NavalGaming is NEUTRAL on the Caribbean Main server.
21Nov 15:29 GMT
Wind: NW-->SE
[add to watchlist]ItemType: Resource
ItemWeight: 1
Added at:
Consumed at:
Produced at:
West End, Bahamas ES CFS
Little Harbour, Bahamas ES CFS
Morgan's Bluff, Bahamas PR PANDA
Harbour Island, Bahamas ES CFS
Arthur's Town, Bahamas ES CFS
Mayaguana, Bahamas PR WEBAD
Mortimer Town, Bahamas PR
Grand Turk, Bahamas PR TRR
Mariel, West Cuba ES
Carahatas, West Cuba ES JTT
Nuevitas, East Cuba PR MERCY
Baracoa, East Cuba ES CFS
Santiago de Cuba, East Cuba PR DFN
Jagua, West Cuba GB SOCKS
Corrientes, West Cuba ES BORK
Daguilla, West Cuba ES CRUZA
Montego Bay, Jamaica GB
Kingston / Port Royal, Jamaica GB
La Navasse, Hispaniola PR PRVTR
Nippes, Hispaniola ES CFS
Port-de-Paix, Hispaniola ES LIGMA
Bahia Escocesa, Hispaniola PR IMPRI
Higuey, Hispaniola FR AVANT
San Juan, Puerto Rico ES CFS
Guanica, Puerto Rico ES CFS
Amalienborg, Upper Antilles ES BORK
Frederiksted, Upper Antilles ES BORK
Oranjestad, Upper Antilles ES CFS
Saint John's, Upper Antilles FR AVANT
Le Moule, Central Antilles N
Deshaies, Central Antilles FR MONKS
Rosaly, Central Antilles FR AVANT
La Trinite, Central Antilles FR
Vieux-Fort, Lower Antilles FR
Bridgetown, Lower Antilles FR NAVYS
Scarborough, South America PR PRVTR
La Orchilla, South America PR CORSR
Fort Zoutman, South America ES CFS
Yaguaraparo, South America GB RELIC
Cariaco, South America FR AVANT
Rio Tocuyo, South America PR MFD
Casigua, South America ES FAE
Perija, South America ES FAE
Rio de la Hacha, South America ES CFS
Buena Vista, South America ES FAE
Chagres, Central America GB SRREG
Chiriqui, Central America PR KOS
Bluefields, Central America FR MONKS
Sandy Bay, Central America PR 4F5
Utila, Central America GB KIRA
Morro Chico, Central America GB RELIC
Belize, Central America ES BORK
Tulum, Yucatan ES BORK
Puerto Real, Yucatan GB RELIC
Vera Cruz, Gulf PR 4F5
Tampico, Gulf GB RELIC
Sabina, Gulf ES JTT
Nouvelle-Orleans, Gulf ES BORK
Penzacola, Gulf ES CRUZA
Apalachicola, Gulf ES CFS
Tampa, Gulf ES CRUZA
Islamorada, Gulf ES BORK
Jobe, Atlantic Coast PR NSCN
New Smyrna, Atlantic Coast PR TMP
Saint Marys, Atlantic Coast PR WTF
Baxo Nuevo, Yucatan GB RELIC
Mugeres, Yucatan ES BORK
Placer, Jamaica ES VOC
Serrana, Central America GB SOCKS
Bugle Cay, Jamaica GB IDC
Somerset, Atlantic PR KOS
North Inlet, Atlantic PR PANDA
Cul-de-Sac, Upper Antilles FR SUIGN
All Saints, Atlantic Coast PR PODW
Little River, Atlantic Coast PR TMP
Production requirements:
5 Reals
0 Labor hours