
La Mona, Puerto Rico

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Port Tax Rate: 10%
LastTax: 0
LastCost: 0
Net: 0
item price(amount)
18pd Long Gun 5,999(66)
24pd Long Gun 6,499(66)
32pd Carronade 4,369(68)
36pd Long Gun 8,999(34)
3rd Rate Permit 1,111,111(1)
42pd Carronade 8,999(38)
42pd Long Gun 9,999(34)
68pd Carronade 13,999(23)
Book of Five Rings 1,500,000(1)
Bovenwinds Refit 85,000(6)
British Gunners 95,000(5)
British Rig Refit 3,500(15)
Cartagena Caulking Refit 500,000(4)
Copper Plating 150,000(3)
Doubloons 100(9863)
Expert Carpentry Handbook 30,000(1)
Frame Timber 3,000(14)
Hull Repairs 690(500)
Instructions aux Canonniers 50,000(1)
Martinique Drill Sergeant 300,000(4)
Northern Carpenters 45,000(1)
Rum 30(9999)
St. Kitts Gunner 500,000(2)
St. Kitts Hull 400,000(2)
1 Pood Edinorog 50,000(14)
36pd Medium Gun 292(57)
Art of Cargo Distribution 25,000(1)
Implacable Permit 400,000(1)
L'Ocu00E9an Permit 1,000,000(1)
Santu00EDsima Trinidad Permit 2,000,000(1)
Victory Permit 1,000,000(1)

Resources Added:

Compass Wood(355)


ItemBuy PriceQuantityWeight
Bermuda Cedar2602171
Compass Wood6071017985
Crooked Cedar1600820
Live Oak Log28612501
Live Oak Log (S)108612501
Locust Log (S)109312501
Mahogany Log (S)101012501
Oak Log7113401
Oak Log (S)82030001
Teak Log27912501
Teak Log (S)109412501
White Oak Log2966351
White Oak Log (S)108112501

Trade Goods

ItemBuy PriceQuantityWeight
