
La Tortue, Hispaniola

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Port Tax Rate: 10%
LastTax: 0
LastCost: 0
Net: 0
item price(amount)
12pd Long Gun 7,000(38)
18pd Long Gun 7,499(4)
24pd Long Gun 7,999(26)
32pd Long Gun 8,899(2)
3rd Rate Permit 300,000(1)
42pd Long Gun 14,999(30)
Agamemnon Permit 18,500(10)
Art of Ship Handling 1,799,000(1)
Book of Five Rings 1,000,000(2)
British Gunners 19,000(1)
Cartagena Caulking Refit 699,999(1)
Combat Medal 30,000(72)
Constitution Permit 18,500(10)
Copper Plating 94,999(1)
Double hammocks 100,000(1)
Doubloons 119(2974)
Elite French Rig Refit 100,000(25)
Elite Pirate Rig Refit 150,000(1)
Extra Shot 100,000(9)
Hemp 449(4999)
Hull Repairs 669(973)
Implacable Permit 1,150,000(1)
L'Ocu00E9an Permit 4,500,000(1)
Martinique Carriages 249,000(1)
Martinique Drill Sergeant 85,000(3)
Means of Directing the Fire 455,000(1)
Nassau Fencing Masters 99,000(8)
Navy Hull Refit 88,886(2)
Navy Planking 184,499(5)
Niagara Permit 750,000(1)
Northern Master Carpenters 485,000(4)
Prince de N. Permit 30,000(11)
Rum 196(1339)
Santu00EDsima Trinidad Permit 6,350,000(1)
Sea Service Toolbox 50,000(1)
Sealed Bottle 750,000(1)
Shot Ration 300,000(6)
St. Kitts Gunpowder 700,000(1)
St. Kitts Rudder 499,999(1)
Surprise Permit 110,000(1)
Table of Parts of Ships of War 400,000(1)
The Book of the Void 500,000(1)
The Wind Book 400,000(1)
Traders Brig Permit 10,000(4)
Wasa Permit 149,999(1)
12pd Navy Gun 15,000(48)
24pd Navy Gun 100,000(50)
36pd Navy Gun 50,000(26)
42pd Navy Gun 30,000(50)
42pd Obusier 40,001(15)
9pd Navy Gun 11,001(34)
British Gunnery Sergeant 44,001(1)
Cartagena Caulking Refit 75,000(4)
Combat Medal 1,511(53)
Copper Plating 4,999(10)
French Gunnery Sergeant 39,999(5)
Improved Mast Tops 604(4)
John Hancock Clock 110,001(2)
Martinique Carriages 10,999(5)
Naval Clock 99,999(3)
Navy Muskets 29,999(5)
Pellew's Sights 700(5)
Santu00EDsima Trinidad Permit 15,710(1)
St. Kitts Gunner 82,501(2)
St. Kitts Gunpowder 100,000(2)
St. Kitts Rudder 19,999(10)

Resources Added:

Oak Log(159)
Cast Iron(168)


ItemBuy PriceQuantityWeight
Bermuda Cedar27412501
Bermuda Cedar (S)110912311
Cast Iron2591021790
Crooked Cedar1600820
Fir Log714011
Fir Log (S)79625531
French Sail Cloth800810
Iron Ore10941
Lignum Vitae Log143601
Live Oak Log24712501
Live Oak Log (S)112812501
Locust Log (S)101512501
Mahogany Log (S)98612501
Oak Log52106471
Oak Log (S)81630001
Sabicu Log (S)10623351
Spanish Square Sails1600810
Teak Log258781
Teak Log (S)100912501
White Oak Log28612421
White Oak Log (S)107612501

Trade Goods

ItemBuy PriceQuantityWeight


Sussex Oak
Black Ironwood