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ItemType: Resource
ItemWeight: 5


Supply sort
Demand sort
Mortimer Town, Bahamas 125(97)
Matina, Central America 135(186)
Prinzapolka, Central America 142(162)
Vermiou, Gulf 142(110)
Charleston, Atlantic Coast 145(66)
Nuevitas, East Cuba 166(331)
Las Aves, South America 183(1339)

Added at:

Las Aves, South America GB RELIC
Matina, Central America FR MONKS

Consumed at:

Aves, Central Antilles
Baja, West Cuba ES
Brunswick, Atlantic Coast PR TMP
Bugle Cay, Jamaica GB IDC
Castries, Lower Antilles FR
El Cuyo, Yucatan PR PANDA
La Guanaja, East Cuba PR WTF
Nippes, Hispaniola ES CFS
Nouvelle-Orleans, Gulf ES BORK
Plymouth, Upper Antilles FR OCB
Saint George's Town, Atlantic PR HPG
William's Bay, Bahamas ES CFS

Produced at:

Production requirements: