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Sail duck

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ItemType: Resource
ItemWeight: 5


Supply sort
Demand sort
Great Corn, Central America 478(46)
San Fernando, Gulf 568(12)
Cartagena de Indias, South America 576(56)

Added at:

Cano Araguabisi, South America PR TMP
Great Corn, Central America

Consumed at:

Atchafalaya, Gulf GB SRREG
Baracoa, East Cuba ES CFS
Bugle Cay, Jamaica GB IDC
Castries, Lower Antilles FR
Charleston, Atlantic Coast PR KOS
Jacmel, Hispaniola PR NSCN
Kemp's Bay, Bahamas ES CFS
La Bermeja, Yucatan GB LIMEY
La Trinite, Central Antilles FR
Rum Cove, Atlantic PR PPR
Santa Fe, West Cuba ES CFS
Spanish Town, Upper Antilles ES CFS

Produced at:

Production requirements: