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Danish Pickled Herring

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ItemType: Resource
ItemWeight: 5


Supply sort
Demand sort
Brunswick, Atlantic Coast 124(187)
Gasparilla, Gulf 133(150)
Puerto del Padre, East Cuba 135(55)
Tampa, Gulf 139(32)
Nuevitas, East Cuba 143(162)
Selam, Yucatan 155(25)
Baja, West Cuba 161(54)
Pinar del Rio, West Cuba 177(49)
Sarazota, Gulf 177(125)
Beaufort, Atlantic Coast 179(60)

Added at:

Consumed at:

Basse-Terre, Central Antilles FR MONKS
Guibara, East Cuba PR MERCY
Kingstown, Lower Antilles FR AVANT
Little Cayman, Jamaica GB SRREG
Little River, Atlantic Coast PR TMP
Marsh Harbour, Bahamas PR PANDA
Philipsburg, Upper Antilles FR AVANT
Puerto Plata, Hispaniola GB RELIC
Salinas, Yucatan ES CFS
Santo Tome de Guayana, South America GB RELIC
Trinidad, West Cuba ES CRUZA
Tuspan, Gulf GB RELIC
Utila, Central America GB KIRA

Produced at:

Production requirements: