NavalGaming is NEUTRAL on the Caribbean Main server.
16Jan 17:49 GMT
Wind: NW-->SE
[add to watchlist]ItemType: MarkItem
ItemWeight: 0.01
| Supply sort price(amount) | Demand sort |
Puerto Escondido, East Cuba | 70(9999)
| 55(8077)
Mortimer Town, Bahamas | 74(2500)
| |
Great Corn, Central America | 80(9000)
| |
Kingston / Port Royal, Jamaica | 85(2100)
| |
La Tortue, Hispaniola | 85(3796)
| |
La Mona, Puerto Rico | 90(5000)
| |
La Habana, West Cuba | 98(2602)
| 55(985)
Fort-Royal, Central Antilles | 98(2603)
| |
Shroud Cay, Bahamas | 117(3876)
| |
Cabo Canaveral, Atlantic Coast | 174(6796)
| |
Jobe, Atlantic Coast | 230(1000)
| |
La Navasse, Hispaniola | 250(66)
| |
Azua, Hispaniola | | 61(5068)
Cartagena de Indias, South America | | 60(4586)
Added at:
Consumed at:
Produced at:
Production requirements:
0 Reals
0 Labor hours