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Book of Five Rings

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ItemType: ShipUpgradeBookItem
ItemWeight: 0


Supply sort
Demand sort
La Habana, West Cuba 800,000(1)
Mortimer Town, Bahamas 970,000(1)
Kingston / Port Royal, Jamaica 1,000,000(1)
La Tortue, Hispaniola 1,100,000(1)

Added at:

Consumed at:

Produced at:

Production requirements:

5000 Reals
0 Labor hours
The Water Book Amount: 1 reals: 0 labor: 0
The Fire Book Amount: 1 reals: 0 labor: 0
The Wind Book Amount: 1 reals: 0 labor: 0
The Ground Book Amount: 1 reals: 0 labor: 0
The Book of the Void Amount: 1 reals: 0 labor: 0