Imperial Shellback Society Certificate

To all sailors whereever ye may be:
and to all mermaids, sharks, whales and other living things of the sea Greeting: Know ye that on this day there appeared within our Royal Domain an officer of Naval Gaming aboard a Naval Action vessel.

Be it remembered that the said Vessel, Officers and Crew
thereof have been inspected and passed by Ourself and Our Royal Staff. And be it known: By all ye Sailors, Mariners, Landlubbers and other who may be honoured by his or her presence that

Having been found worthy to be numbered as one of our trusty Shellbacks. I hereby command All of my Subjects to show him or her due honour and respect whenever he or she may be. Disobey this Order under penalty of Our Royal Displeasure.

Davy Jones
His majesty's Scribe

Neptune Rex
Ruler of the raging Main